Tech Stack Design – How To Crush the Process

Too many companies arrive at their company tech stack design unintentionally. They paste their software together with manual spreadsheets and clunky middleware. How does this happen? It starts with a lack of intentionally in the stack design. Whether you are considering opening a LLC or 45 years into a family business, it’s never too late […]

Tech Stack Design – How To Crush the Process

Too many companies arrive at their company tech stack design unintentionally. They paste their software together with manual spreadsheets and clunky middleware. How does this happen? It starts with a lack of intentionally in the stack design. Whether you are considering opening a LLC or 45 years into a family business, it’s never too late […]

The ERP API Era – Where We’ve Been and Where We Are Going

The Era of an ERP yelling loudly to own your business is over. With the proliferation of the ERP API, here’s what we can look forward to now. It was the dumbest sign to ever grace my professional life; in 36 point font, taped on the wall of the satellite fabrication office, capital letters proclaimed: […]